James Ragers and Kris Kitty Konnolly

No time for captions with action like this. More to come soon from DanceOff 4.0...

Will C10/C11 Stop at Nothing?

Hidden dance tape emerges, curiously timed, in a rumored attempt to intimidate the C12/C13 team, who is reportedly already shaking in their boots. Brandon Bosch's name was found on a piece of scratch paper in the bag that was door-bell-ditched at the Presidio Gold offices the night before the dance off.

Dance from Presidio Gold on Vimeo.

Employment for Presidio Students is Looking Up!

For months, Presidio alumni and our upcoming group of graduates have fought the high seas of what has proven to be a brutal storm of unemployment. But for C10 part-timer and Econ TA Will Hutchinson, it's full sails ahead as he's taken his ship to the calmer waters of an ocean of employment. That's right, our very own, "Mr. Clean" landed a pretty sweet gig in Marin County, as seen in the photo to the left.

Sustainability is all about cleaning up the messes of others and that's no exception for Will's work. Whereas many sustainability professionals are looking to tidy up the waste brought along by older generations, Will's work takes a slightly different twist...

On Saturday of this past weekend, Will unveiled his new venture at Prooflab Surfshop in Mill Valley. We had the chance to catch up with Will while he was on break and here's what he had to say...

"It's just absurd. Kids these days break beer bottles that could easily be recycled. They're also spilling beer on the floor and it's a total waste, dude! So, that's where I saw my opporutnity and I just went for it. Things are just getting started. I mean, right now I have one mop but in the next 3-5 years, I plan to expand bigtime."

With entrepreneurs like Will, it's a testament to the fact that new markets for sustainability jobs are opening up, right in our own backyards.

Way to make it shine Will!

Presidio's C13 Outraged That The Only Thing SF Can Rally About Successfully is Sports

Many C13's moved out to SF with visions of attending robust and effective rallies to mandate compostable plastic cups at all youth soccer games and such things. But after two months of showing up to events with small crowds full of the same people (ie unemployed Presidio alumns), they began to wonder where all the street rally enthusiasm that they had heard so much about was hiding. The Giants' World Series victory after-party explained everything, and left C13 scratching their heads on how their rallies were ever going to draw such a multi-generational, trans-gender, schmorgashborg of a socioeconomic cross slice of bipartisan support, or ever be so much fun.

Gold is Back Up!

Whohoho!!! Gold is back up. Don't miss the bull market. Moodle is a veritable scratch and sniff for GOLD these days!

Dig it.

Presidio's Zero Energy Building

In recent days, MIT University has received tremendous accolades for what is being hailed as, "the greenest MBA building in the world!" Well, staff and students at Presido Graduate World College, in San Francisco would beg to differ.

Although the folks at MIT have done a nice job with their building, Presidio's campus (pictured here) goes one step further with absolutely zero emissions from their campus. Situated just south of the Golden Gate Bridge, the school's campus is actually quite easy to miss.

But, maintaining a net-zero facility is a full-time job for Martin Homyak, the school's facility manager. Students are constantly begging for office space, study rooms and audio/video infrastructure. Martin has to fend of these requests because these amenities would mean that the school would have to build or rent a space that had wiring, water and a covered roof; all of which means havoc for our environment.

The Presidio campus accomplishes zero ghg emissions through some pretty innovative measures:

1. No lighting and no heating means no energy-related operating expenses and zero CO2 emissions from electricity generation.
2. No actual building materials were used in the construction of the virtual building so, emissions through manufacturing never happened.
3. The building has no actual on-the-ground footprint so, no valuable habitat was destroyed to make space for the building.

Stay tuned for more news and information!

Green MBA Program Saves Energy With Fewer Employees

Often considered to be at the cutting edge of the green business field, the Presidio Graduate School has once again, come up with a fairly unbelievable strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while also saving the institution thousands of dollars in operating expenses.

How do they do it?

Well, it's complicated but, in general, the strategy revolves around a bone-crushing, top-down management approach to frustrating the school's well-intended and hard working staff. The goal is to eventually push staff to the point that they leave the school to find new jobs at other organizations.

How does making staff quit save energy?

Each staff member typically uses a desktop computer for 8 hours each day of the work week which generates the equivalent of .5 metric tons of CO2 annually. When you consider the fact that the school is now approaching a 70% employee turnover rate each year, these savings sure do add up!

But, how does the school operate without employees?

Herein lies the true innovation in Presidio's amazing new program. As more staff leave, the responsibilities they leave behind get shifted to the remaining staff. This results in even further increases in workload per employee which results in increased amounts of stress in the lives of the remaining employees. Making the jobs of remaining staff more difficult pushes that staff member closer to the point of wanting to quit. So, a cycle begins that actually accelerates the growth of the program.

Estimates from Bloomberg indicate that eventually the school will operate with zero emissions once all staff are gone and all that remains is the energy used by the school's server to run Moodle which, inside sources say will be offset through carbon credits.

Climate Change Causes the Migration of Presidio Faculty, Board and President

Over the past year, a climate-induced mass exodus has stripped the Presidio Graduate School of key members.

Increased threats of drought, rising sea levels and growing resource scarcity have caused a massive migration of Presidio Graduate School faculty, board members and staff over the past year. Like other charismatic megafauna, Presidio administrators have been pushed to the brink through being faced with an exhausted resource base and limited capacity for survival in their threatened habitat regions.

In response to these critical habitat threats, Presidio administrators have flocked to harrowing travels away from the Presidio Community in what has become a dramatic exodus. The EPA is currently reviewing a court order, filed by an angry C2 part-time student to list Presidio Administrators on the United States Endangered Species List.

Eager Students Await the Announcement for the Band Name!

"Presidio Gold: So, what's all this business about not talking about business?
Source #1: Oh, it's business alright.
Source #2: Yeah, we're in the business of starting a band!"

A direct expert from an anonymous source from two male C9 students, one who is really tall and funny and the other who has a big mustache.

This past week, Presidio students rolled up their sleeves and dug into the difficult challenge of selecting a name for the institution's latest endeavor...a student/faculty jam band. Despite the fact that we have an economic system in crisis and despite the fact that we are on the cusp of a historic vote on national health care reform, students and faculty alike found the time to engage in a rigorous debate over what to call their line up.

At Presidio Gold, we've been following the story closely and we recently got the inside scoop from an anonymous source that although the name is still up in the air, they can confirm that that there's 13 guitar players, 2 didgeridoos, 3 harmonicas, 19 singers and 24 tambourine players. The last time this many musicians got together, was the We Are The World benefit effort in 1985.

Yes, flooding your inbox with a flurry of emails about starting a band is rather unconventional in a business school environment. But it's like the Presidio Marketing team always says, "this is a place for unconventional thinkers." And I guarantee you, this won't be just any old, conventional band.

Me, I'm buying front row tickets.

It's Gettin' Hot In Here! (The "My EMCA is fresher than yours is" Remix)

Why be in Business When you can be in a Band?

Amidst third semester cramming for presentations, midterms and case study write-ups, that wacky crew of Presidiots has done it again!...and this time, they're doing it with trombones, trumpets and color guards!

Last semester's flurry of community discussion on what to wear for a stakeholder meeting has finally been surpassed by the high volume discussion among the Presidio Community as the stakeholders take to the streets one more time. This time, they're talking about starting a band...now that's some serious business!

Hip Hip, Hooray!

Moodle is Now On Twitter!

ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: If you want to find out whether or not Moodle is working, you no longer need to try and log on. That's right, you can now find out whether Moodle is up or down by simply checking in on Twitter.

If you haven't been staying up on the 19,000 emails that came out last week on The Presidio Network, you may not have realized that Moodle is now on Twitter!

To add to the discussion, simply tag your tweets with #moodleisbrokenagain.

The Pulse Steals Presidio's Sat. Night Thunder

Presidio's self proclaimed "reformed" ex-CEO pulled out all the stops last weekend to try to win back the hearts of the community. In a brilliantly orchestrated coup he teamed up with some of the most sought after talent in the community and put on a one-night only dance extravaganza, literally one door down from Presidio's official Saturday night event. Most Presidians showed up totally unprepared for such a passionate come-back attempt by their former leader, but one look at the poster was apparently all they needed to decide how they were going to spend their social capital that evening. One student described Seyed's Pulse as "simply irresistible", another as "the best steakholder meeting ever!" In terms of attendance, there was no contest.

The administration is said to be in a tizzy about what to do for next residency's event, now that their old captain is on the loose and on a roll.

Area Janitor Finds Letter of Resignation

A late night janitor working an evening shift recently found this letter in a trash can in the Presidio Administrative office area. Seeing that the letter should be in the recycle bin, he picked out the letter and was surprised by what he saw....

Presidio Students Hit Hollywood with Some Serious PRESIDIO GOLD!

That's right readers, Presidio Gold is back for some more triple-bottom line action and what better way to kick the semester off than a proud announcement about the acting accomplishments from some of our esteemed colleagues. During a recent winter break, it seems that a number of Presidio students took the star-studded sidewalks of Hollywood and landed themselves some pretty sweet acting gigs in some of Hollywood's most highly anticipated sequels. And the nominees are.....

Brandon Bosch in, "Gangs of New York Part 2" as Bill the Butcher's fountain soda obsessed estranged son.
Matthew Homyak as John "Hannibal" Smith in, "The A Team: The Final Cigar."

Ryan Kushner continues the adventure in the exciting follow up to Brad Pitt's original hollywood blockbuster hit in the much awaited, "17 days in Nicaragua."

c10'er Will Hutchinson goes full-time in the season's most emotional movie yet as he dances across the screen in, "Babe II: A little Marin Pig Goes A Long Way."

James Rodgers makes a truly fantastic debut in the follow up to Marvel Comics' 2005 smash hit with a stunning portrayal of THING in the soon-to-be smash-hit, "Fantastic Four Returns: THING's Got Smooth Skin Now!"

Depends Adult Brief Stock Prices Soar as C12 Buckles Down for What's in Store!

Stock prices of Depends Adult Briefs soared on NASDAQ yesterday as C12 buckled down for what is sure to be a semester of Presidio surprises. Students rushed the market late yesterday, buying up entire shelves of the "go-to" underwear goods, seeking protection from those embarrassing moments. Day 1 of Residency #1 held presented some potentially very embarrassing moments for the new cohort and there were a number of near disasters as students were alarmed to find out that they were now attending classes in a downtown shopping mall. With EMCA up next, there's sure to be some startling moments that could potentially lead to all sorts of in-class leaks as C12 students learn the realities of bladder intelligence.

CBS announces landmark decision on it's new late night talk show, "What'd you say, Seyed???"

In a recent town hall meeting, CBS has announced it's plans to scrap both Leno and O'Brien in exchange for a hit new show starring a relatively unknown name on the late night scene. Up-and-coming stakeholder czar, Seyed Amiry has landed a deal with CBS to launch his new show, "What'd you Say, Seyed???" More details are expected soon from the network regarding the show's format and proposed guests.

Enroll Now in our new, Online MBA and receive an audiobook...FREE!

Enroll now in our Online MBA Degree Program!...with prices this low, we're practically giving them away! And if you join today, we'll even throw in a free exclusive audiobook. That's right, for simply enrolling today, we'll throw in a digital copy of Van Jones reading Sarah Palin's new tell-all tale of her 2008 vice presidential campaign in what is sure to be 2009's most popular holiday read. "Going Rogue" just got more interesting in this exclusive edition where former Green Jobs Czar Van Jones reads Palin's poetic prose.

Events in Review: Sunday's Town Hall

Sunday's Town Hall Meeting took a strange turn into the realm of the bizarre when school administrators responded to student concerns that, "...our ship is sinking" by offering the community a free showing of the 1997 blockbuster hit, "Titanic" starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.

Local Town Hall Meeting Goes Totally Ape Shit

Town Hall? Dance Hall! from Presidio Gold on Vimeo.

Students Caught Having Fun and Studying Sustainability During Town Hall Meeting

Rosetta Stone of Leadership Discovered

Researchers just found what appears to be the Rosetta Stone of Leadership Fundamentals. The tablets clearly outline the formerly secret Path to Ridiculously Powerful Leadership. The discovery was made one evening by a janitor at Ft. Mason, just sitting in the back of a classroom used by Leadership students at an upstart graduate school earlier that day. It is still unclear why the school left such a treasure unguarded.